Q & As from PW3

Public Workshop #3 held on Jan 15 & Jan 21

PW3 presented by XYZ, with EDC

collected Q and As // kimberly


  • The baseline investment for the BMT project is $2.1-2.3B which accounts for maritime investment, parks and public realm, site prep, acquisition, and pier reconfiguration all of which are either of negative / neutral revenue generation

  • They believe that housing (market rate and affordable), hotels, and grants will balance the investment. For housing specifically, somewhere between 7,000-9,000 units would be required for the cost model to result in positive revenue generation. Their cost model is built for a 40 year trajectory. 

  • Currently the ~125 acres is zoned for commercial but would be rezoned for residential and mixed use 

  • We as participants were asked to play a “game” where they had us stand around a model of the site. The ~125 acres of land that are part of the BMT project were identified with unchangeable areas (e.g., flex maritime, container terminal) were indicated. We were then given game pieces (e.g., housing, commercial, basic needs, green space) to place on the remaining available land as a way of providing input on “where we think things should go” to achieve their revenue goals

January 15, 2025 — Asked / Answered (Kimberly)

  • Q: What is the timeline for the masterplan? What is the trajectory for building the 7,000-9,000 housing units over that timeline?

    • A: No answer 

  • Q: BMT accounts for 1.4% of the NY / NJ cargo activity. If the city is looking to increase that by 50%, are there proactive legislative measures to ensure that cargo will held to sustainable / environment requirements (e.g., shore power, no idling)?

    • A: They aren’t sure but will look into it 

  • Q: With potentially 7,000-9,000 new housing units in this masterplan, has the DOT / MTA been engaged to study an increase in existing public transportation (e.g., bus, ferry) and resurface past studies (i.e., 2 line from downtown Manhattan)?

    • A: The DOT is engaged and studying bus and ferry but they cannot speak to subway studies 

  • Q: Will the buildings included in this masterplan be required to go through ULURP?

    • A: No, because this is a state funded project

  • Q: Is the BMT project being coordinated with the coastal resiliency project and BQE cantilever project?

    • A: Yes 

  • Q: Will the cruise terminal remain at Atlantic Basin?

    • A: It could but there is a scenario where it moves North 

January 21, 2025 — Asked / Answered (Kimberly)

  • Q: Of the 7,000-9,000 housing unit goal, what % would require acquiring property that is currently not owned by city / state? 

    • A: They believe that the 7,000-9,000 housing unit goal can be accomplished in the property currently owned by the city / state with an FAR of 5

  • Q: The left side of the investment scale specifies acquisition — what properties is the city / state looking at for acquisition? 

    • A: The UPS site is in consideration for acquisition, but the Imlay Street site is not being considered for acquisition  

  • Q: How accurate / realistic is the masterplan specifically the rerouting / adding streets? Based on the site plan, Conover St is cutting through 160 and 1## Imlay Street via property that is current private. How does the city / state plan to acquire that property if at all? 

    • A: They said that this is a result of a mapping error 

  • Q: What do you estimate the capital investment being in the 7,000-9,000 units and how much of that have they secured / identified via developers?

    • A: They are planning a 10 year horizon with construction potentially starting in 2028

  • Q: If the prospective buildings are not subject to the ULURP process because the state is the governing body, how will the community have a voice in the architectural language and its coordination with the surrounding, historic architectural language so that the heart of the neighborhood is not lost? 

    • A: The project will follow the GPP process and will not be subject to ULURP. The process will incorporate some of the task force members and include public hearings at key decision points

  • Q: Given Mayor Adams’ push for a green future and the connect of BMT to the Climate Exchange project on GI and offshore wind project at SMBT, how is EDC and its partners going to ensure that a housing development of this magnitude ensures a higher standard of living / sustainability (e.g., green space ratios, livable area per person, traffic congestion, access to light, access to essential needs)? 

    • P: We voiced our hope that this project set an example for sustainability and quality of living. Developers have not historically been held to a high standard of op building a suitable building to green space ratio but they should for this development

  • Q: What are the roles of the agencies in this project? Funding, participating, making decisions? 

    • A: EDC / ESD are the decision makers 

  • What is the business model for the hotel component? If MSC continues to be the cruise terminal operator and their cruises are used generally by persons in NY metro area and are not affluent people or celebrities that stay at One Hotel Brooklyn.  

    • A: They are not sure the logic behind the business model and would need to look into the location (e.g., NY / NJ metro area) that customers are coming / going to 

  • Other than Homeport for Ferry, Container Port, and Cruise Terminal are there other ideas for the flex maritime purposes? 

    • A: The projected increase in volume for port activity can be accommodated in the container port site. The flex site is for future expansion of port needs. 

  • What is the plan for increasing transportation needs for the area? More ferries, express buses to Manhattan like in Bay Ridge?

    • A: The EDC runs the ferry system and is looking at increased frequency 

  • Given the projected volume, what is the plan for future community boards? 

    • A: District are typically redrawn during elections

Additional Notes - 1/21

  • They highlighted our building in yellow (same color as UPS) but stated that it is not included in the 122 acres and nor is it being considered for acquisition 

  • They are studying a roadway for car / truck traffic adjacent to Imlay buildings. 15-20 feet high. 

  • The decisions makers are EDC / Empire State Development


John’s Convo with EDC


Summary Notes PW3