Qs Prepared for EDC Mtg @ Imlay
To be facilitated by John, Kimberly, and Susan
Project Timeline / Funding (JM)
What is driving the timeline for the BMT masterplan? Why does the masterplan need to be approved by April 2025?
Our understanding is that the BMT timeline is being driven by the fact that the federal grant will only be approved if the city matches the amount but the city will only match the amount if it has a masterplan approved. Why does the BMT masterplan need to be approved for the FY25 budget? Why not the FY26 budget? Is this being driven by Mayor Adams’ reelection campaign?
This feels like a misuse of tax dollars given the the lack of feasibility — studies proving that the land is usable, transportation can support volumes, infrastructure can support volumes. What studies has the EDC / ESD completed that prove the feasibility of the masterplan and when will those be shared with the public?
How is / will our input going to be reflected in the approved plans?
Why is the EDC not reinvesting money from other projects into this project? Why is housing the primary, revenue generating factor being used to supplement a $2.3b investment?
Why are big EDC projects elsewhere getting funded?
Building-Specific Concerns (JM)
How will 160 Imlay Street be impacted — views, noise (e.g., raised truck route) — in future scenarios?
Is the EDC / ESD acquiring the Christie’s building?
Is a hotel being considered in the mixed commercial use on Pier 11?
Where are you considering hotel location and how is EDC / ESD planning to fill it?
What is the plan for the raised truck route?
What is the plan for contamination concerns at Pier 11?
What is the plan for the Pier 11 development?
What plan / contractual clauses will be used to protect us / mitigate disruption (e.g., utilities, street closures, construction times, environmental concerns) during the construction process?
The Future of the Neighborhood (KS)
What studies have been conducted / plan is in place to increase the following infrastructure to support a 50% increase of the current population?
Basic needs — healthcare, food, schools
Utilities — garbage disposal, sewer, gas
Transportation — subway, bus, ferry
What coordination is planned with the Coastal Resiliency project to efficiently / effectively remediate current / anticipated challenges (e.g., flooding)?
What is driving the addition of parks near Pier 7 which already has an abundance of green space via Brooklyn Bridge Park? Red Hook — especially if the volume of housing proposed in the scenarios is likely — should be priority for more green space.
Given the contamination concerns identified in the March 2021 report by McLaren Engineering generated for the EDC, why is the EDC suggesting development that could cause harm to current / future residents.
Port Programming (SP)
What is driving the economic viability of the hotel component? There seems to be an incorrect assumption made about the average cruise customer. The average cost of the MSC — the most frequently docked cruise ship — is $800 / person. From a quick search on Facebook, customers are staying in New Jersey and are not parking at the cruise terminal to save money.
Why is the proposed hotel on Pier 11? Our understanding is that the pier does not have the infrastructure to support a high-rise building. Has the cruise terminal parking lot been considered as a more suitable location for the proposed hotel?
What is driving the feasibility of the raised truck route? A raised spine would directly impact the value of our building / future apartments. Has a street-level spine with berm for flood protection been considered as a more logical solution?
Money was allocated and spent for Homeport 2. What is the progress. Is the original plan scrapped? What is the state of the current pilings? Where will the fuel be stored? What safety parameters will be employed to protect the fuel depot?
Are there considerations for unique / niche uses of cruise terminal area that would draw a larger, and larger-spending, audience. Little Island as a great model.
Proposed Scenarios (SP)
Please share the full report — assumptions, financial modeling, market research — that outlines the business case for the proposed scenarios based on relevant context (e.g., lack of public transportation) not like projects (i.e., other ports).
We have been rpesented with 4 Options. #3 seems like a scare tactic. Option 4 not viable.
What is driving the economic viability of the volume of housing — particularly the market rate apartments — being proposed in these scenarios?
There seems to be an incorrect assumption made about the projected demographics of Red Hook given the lack of public transportation / access. The Conover building is not selling, our building had trouble selling / has had immediate turnover, the Gowanus development is not selling / renting at the anticipated pace. How is EDC making the case that a Red Hook development will sell?
Additional questions from Susan
Why is the new marginal Pier 1.2 billion. Seems like there is a way to reduce price and bring it closer to shore - is this only to support housing? Is the marginal pier necessary for the container port. What will be on it? Is it for docking?
What about private funding coming to port operators – we’ve heard this has been waiting on a lease for years? Do we know how much they can bring in this way?
The Port Authority is probably not the best source of info on revenue for the terminal since their lease requires them to share revenue with the city. Do we have actual numbers from port tenants?